About Us

FB Pharmtech is a leading company in custom synthesis and chemical sourcing.

FB Pharmtech provides high quality custom synthesis and chemical sourcing services to companies in the life science and pharmaceutical industries. We are dedicated to providing customer satisfaction by delivering high quality products, with rigorous analysis, supported with clear, open communication and excellent customer service.

Our customer base is as diverse as the products we synthesise and source, and includes drug discovery and development companies, contract research organisations, contract manufacturers, chemical catalogue companies, government associated scientific institutions, universities and life science-based start-ups, from around the world.

FB Pharmtech has a strong track-record of successfully synthesising complex small molecules on the mg-kg scale, including candidates for drug discovery and development, impurity reference standards, metabolites, intermediates and building blocks.

We have strengths in scale-up chemistry and process optimisation, allowing us to smoothly take custom synthesis projects from the bench to manufacture while maintaining high technical specifications. Our team of chemists have successfully delivered challenging projects, including ones where the target has involved multi-step synthetic routes, chiral chemistry, low yielding routes and/or challenging purifications. Our rich experience in custom synthesis allows us to utilise innovative approaches and chemical problem solving to overcome the challenges that are presented when striving to synthesise unique targets.

We are consistently focused on how to best serve the customer and strive to deliver exceptional quality products, at a competitive cost, with timely delivery. To do this, we support our custom synthesis service by sourcing chemicals from our wide network of global chemical manufacturers and suppliers. Through our in-depth knowledge of chemical manufacturers and suppliers, we can help our customers access manufacturers of hard-to-find products and achieve success in their sourcing activities.

Why use FB Pharmtech?

  • Experts in small molecule custom synthesis with a track record of successfully completing challenging and multi step custom synthesis projects at mg-kg scale.

  • FB Pharmtech works with a wide network of trusted manufacturers and suppliers in China, India and around the globe. FB Pharmtech is a UK company which maintains clear channels of communications with both suppliers and customers

  • FB Pharmtech are experts in small molecule custom synthesis with a track-record of successfully completing challenging and multi-step custom synthesis projects at mg-kg scale

  • FB Pharmtech have extensive process optimisation and scale-up capabilities including a dedicated team, kilo labs and reactors ranging in size from 500-5000L

  • Comprehensive analytical capabilities including NMR, HPLC, GC, MS, prep-HPLC and physical chemical testing capabilities

  • FB Pharmtech provides additional services in China to support chemical sourcing including factory audit, QC analysis, goods inspection, sampling and logistical support

  • Strengths in the custom synthesis of certified impurity reference standards, metabolic reference standards and pharmaceutical intermediates

FB Pharmtech has two main strands of business; custom synthesis and chemical sourcing

Custom Synthesis

At FB Pharmtech, we specialise in custom synthesis solutions. With years of experience in problem-solving and creating innovative solutions in synthetic chemistry, we have the expertise to successfully deliver your targets at a competitive price. Allow us to provide solutions for your custom synthesis needs and help you harness our know-how.

Chemical Sourcing

FB Pharmtech is a trusted and specialised chemical sourcing company with a deep understanding of the global chemical market. Our vast experience in the global chemical market has allowed us to forge relationships with reliable partners to provide chemicals to customers across various industries including pharmaceuticals, life science and specialty chemical. By leveraging our expertise, we help our customers accelerate product development and save money.